Homeless Services Network

Homeless Services Network is a group of agencies united to serve Charlotte's homeless community and those who are most vulnerable to homelessness. Our group meets monthly to discuss our common goal of preventing and ending homelessness in Charlotte. Homelessness is a multi-faceted problem. Our belief is that by bringing all of our knowledge and expertise together, we have greater hope of achieving our combined goal than any one of our agencies can achieve alone. Please read our bylaws to learn more about how we operate.

The Homeless Services Network is guided by four main operating principles:

  1. We collaborate, communicate, and coordinate the services of our agencies.
  2. We advocate for homeless people.
  3. We plan and manage responses to needs through a continuum of care.
  4. We participate in the 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness.


Thank You

The HSN would like to thank the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation for funding the development of this website, as well as Temple Beth El and Urban Ministry Center for their work in creating the original Solve the Puzzle Charlotte website.