COSH Committee

The Coordination of Services and Housing (COSH) group is a subcommittee of the Homeless Services Network made up of various homeless services providers and other community partners. In addition to the coordination of housing strategies, employment readiness providers and health care, professionals participate in this process to broaden access, coordinate best practices and to advocate for appropriate services and opportunities. The primary strategic objective is to streamline information access to front line case managers to better assist their clients.



  1. Provide Homeless Emergency Assistance & Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) information and guidance in preparation for implementation
  2. Develop and maintain a comprehensive resource listing on the HSN Website
  3. Provide opportunity to collaborate and learn from each other regarding difficult cases
  4. Continue to develop more networking opportunities for front line staff to collaborate and learn from each other regarding difficult cases with a focus on clients with mental and physical health needs as well as food and shelter
  5. Explore a portal to search for affordable housing in the Charlotte community


Please contact us for more information.