Families without sufficient employment, childcare, or affordable housing are especially vulnerable to becoming homeless. Homeless families tend to be younger, headed by single mothers, and have children under the age of six. On any given night, nearly one-third of people experiencing homelessness in our community are part of a family with dependent children.
Veterans are about 50 percent more likely than the general population to experience homelessness. Soldiers who served in Vietnam and post-Vietnam era conflict are the veterans at the greatest risk of homelessness

- Community Link
- Hope Haven
- Mecklenburg County Community Support Services
- Men's Shelter of Charlotte
- family-friendly opportunity
Survivors of Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is a leading cause of homelessness among families. That’s because survivors are often isolated from support networks and financial resources by their abusers. An estimated 200 survivors of domestic violence are homeless in Charlotte-Mecklenburg on any given night.

- Legal Aid of North Carolina
- Mecklenburg County Community Support Services
- family-friendly opportunity
Young Adults
Young adults (ages 18 to 30) represent a growing segment of the homeless population. Over the course of an academic year, there are approximately 4,770 children in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg school system who report being homeless, living in motels or doubled-up.
. Common causes include aging out of foster care, lack of a high school diploma, and intolerable family situations (e.g. neglect, abuse, or family breakup).

- A Child's Place of Charlotte
- Florence Crittenton Services
- Hope Haven
- Men's Shelter of Charlotte
- The Relatives
- family-friendly opportunity
Working Poor
Low wages, under-employment, and high rental costs prevent the estimated nine percent of homeless individuals who are employed from obtaining stable housing. Those who are housed often live in substandard housing or are one illness, paycheck loss, or other crisis away from becoming homeless.

- Charlotte Family Housing
- Community Link
- Friendship CDC
- Hope House Foundation
- Men's Shelter of Charlotte
- The Housing Partnership
- family-friendly opportunity
Physical/mental health disabilities and substance dependence often act as barriers to obtaining or maintaining housing. For some, these disabilities are major obstacles on the path out of homelessness. An estimated ten percent of the homeless population experience long-term homelessness in addition to their disabling condition.

- Legal Aid of North Carolina
- Supportive Housing Communities
- The Housing Partnership
- Urban Ministry Center
- family-friendly opportunity